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Thursday, September 15, 2011

Henry Winkler Receives Royal Title From Queen Elizabeth II

Henry Winkler, aka The Fonz, has received a royal title from the Queen of England. Winkler was diagnosed with dyslexia as an adult and has spent time working with children with learning disabilities. "Improving the lives of children is one of the highest acts of good one can pursue, and Mr. Winkler has certainly done that," the ambassador said. "Through him, thousands of young people have seen a role model and an inspiration for overcoming their learning difficulties. Henry Winkler is living proof that difficulties can be overcome and that for those suffering challenges and self-doubt, happy days can nevertheless lie ahead."
Winkler said, "Receiving this honor is a very humbling experience. My goal when I started working with children was to change how people think about those around them for whom learning is a struggle. I am overwhelmed to have had my work recognized in this manner, and hope to continue showing children that no matter how they learn, they have brilliance in them." Winkler can now put the royal title, "Honorary OBE" after his name.

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