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Here at The Celebrity Diaries I try to update my readers on all the latest gossip in Hollywood. The diary to the celebrities will feature the latest hookups, weddings, divorces, and babies. Want to know what your favorite celebs are up to?? Visit The Celebrity Diaries daily!!! Also, check out my other blog The Movie Diaries to check out everything you need to know about movies.- Dorothy Gale

Friday, September 16, 2011

Brad Pitt Clarifies His 'Dull Statement'

Recently, in an interview with Parade magazine which will hit newsstands Sunday, Brad Pitt made the following statement: "I spent the '90s trying to hide out, trying to duck the full celebrity cacophony. I started to get sick of myself sitting on a couch, holding a joint, hiding out. It started feeling pathetic. It became clear to me that I was intent on trying to find a movie about an interesting life, but I wasn't living an interesting life myself. I think my marriage (to Jennifer) had something to do with it. Trying to pretend the marriage was something that it wasn't."

Whoa that's pretty harsh.

Well, Pitt claims he was misunderstood and to clarify he recently commented with: "It grieves me that this was interpreted this way. Jen is an incredibly giving, loving, and hilarious woman who remains my friend. It is an important relationship I value greatly. The point I was trying to make is not that Jen was dull, but that I was becoming dull to myself -- and that, I am responsible for."

Here's a tip Brad, it's been almost 7 years since you destroyed your marriage to Jen and left her for Angelina. Since you're oh so happy with "Angie", make us all happy including Jen and "Angie" and stop doing these interviews!!! Jen doesn't deserve it!!!

Check out my post on more of what Brad had to say in Parade here!!!

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