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Here at The Celebrity Diaries I try to update my readers on all the latest gossip in Hollywood. The diary to the celebrities will feature the latest hookups, weddings, divorces, and babies. Want to know what your favorite celebs are up to?? Visit The Celebrity Diaries daily!!! Also, check out my other blog The Movie Diaries to check out everything you need to know about movies.- Dorothy Gale

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Mila Kunis Angry in Russian Press Conference

Mila Kunis was at a press junket in Moscow to promote her latest film, Friends With Benefits when a reporter asked her co-star Justin Timberlake in Russian why he is focusing on movies instead of music?
Kunis fired back with, "Why movies? Why not?" she said in Russian. "What kind of question is that? Why are you here?" Check out the video below:

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