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Here at The Celebrity Diaries I try to update my readers on all the latest gossip in Hollywood. The diary to the celebrities will feature the latest hookups, weddings, divorces, and babies. Want to know what your favorite celebs are up to?? Visit The Celebrity Diaries daily!!! Also, check out my other blog The Movie Diaries to check out everything you need to know about movies.- Dorothy Gale

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Madonna Celebrates Birthday With Some PDA

Madonna celebrated her 53rd birthday this weekend at the Hamptons with her 24 year old boyfriend Brahim Zaibit. She was spotted hugging and kissing him on the beach. Her two 5 year old children David and Mercy were playing in the sand while the dressed down star smooched her barely legal boyfriend. The star who turned 53 today, began dating Zaibat in late 2010 after he performed at the launch of her Macy's clothing line with her daughter Lourdes, 14.

What do you think of Madonna and her young boyfriend?? Publicity Stunt or Real Deal??

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